I can't believe it's already here...the first day of school. Taking lots of deep breaths. People ask how I am feeling, and the response usually comes in this order:
Excited, terrified.
I hope it's a healthy balance? My supervisor says he feels that way every year before school starts.
The last week of prep has been a lot of fun. Decorating the classroom. Outlining curriculum. Working with other teachers. I've had a lot of conversations about cross-curricular work with other teachers. So far I'm helping the Spanish classes put together a performance for Mexican Independence Day, shared team-building activities with a few teachers, and plotted with a middle school teacher about her drama unit. Hopefully there will be much more to come.
In other good news, the University of Texas at Austin Department of Theatre and Dance along with Texas Performing Arts donated two racks worth of costumes to our school last week. Thank you!!
Going to go take a few more deep breaths. Ready or not, here they come.
So, I made a comment on this the other day and just realized that I apparently didn't do it right and therefore it did not show up. Anyway the point is you are amazing. You have something special to give these kids and I am proud of you for living your dream!!