Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day Seventy: The return

Much earlier than expected, my student from 6th period returned. He came by before 3rd period with the ringleader of the O5ers that's come so far with my class (even though she's not officially in it now). He asked if he could come back and then said he didn't mean it. Then he apologized. I told him he could come back if he wanted to be there, but that an apology doesn't mean anything unless something changes after. Then I almost fell over as I listed to the girl lecture him about actions speaking louder than words.

One of my more challenging students in 3rd period yelled at me today and told me no one wants to be in my class. I'm so grateful for the moments yesterday and today that have shown me otherwise.

We counted out how many giant snowflakes we've made and calculated how many more we'd need. Seeing an end in sight helped motivate some of the students to get back to work on them.
During 4th period I have had many discussions with them about throwing things in class. Today they were being careless and I ended up accidentally getting hit in the face with a beach ball. Yes, they got a lecture. And a new class rule about losing points for throwing things. Thank goodness it was only a beach ball. After that two students worked hard while the rest of the class didn't accomplish anything. Partly I think they were discouraged. Partly they were in a bad mood. Some of them felt bad that they had screwed up. As always, tomorrow will be a better day.

On a positive note, if they can manage to not throw things for a few days they will get to be part of the snowball fight we are having next week at the Christmas party. Yes, I ordered some fake snow. I'll let you know how it works.

1 comment:

  1. So I find it funny that the reward for not throwing things is to throw things. :)
