Friday, December 2, 2011

Day Sixty-eight: Telephone

After yesterday's fiasco, I was wondering how my 6th period would react to the departure of one of the students yesterday. As we were working, someone said, "He said you kicked him out of the class." It turned into a very interesting discussion. I told them I didn't kick him out. He kept saying he didn't want to be in the class anymore, so he got what he wanted. I also said he was welcome to come back, but only when he decided he wanted to be there and then asked to come back. It's interesting how what you say to students gets translated and changed over time before it gets back to you. I tried to male it very clear to my students that I was not and do not give up on my students. I expected and hoped he would return soon.

Today we took a little bit of a break from making decorations/building scenery. I'm concerned about them getting burned out and losing interest before we finish everything we need to do.

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