Monday, January 23, 2012

Day Ninety-three: Oh, you were serious

I started my day exhausted. Couldn't sleep. Running late. Overwhelmed. And then my day set in motion. And it was a pretty fantastic day.

First period one of the boys has been coming back (he's missed school, been suspended, or just ditched my class for all but about 10 days this year). How do I know that there is progress? He gave me one of his Starbursts today.

2nd period I have a few more students, thanks to schedule changes. One switched periods, one was in another, then switched out for a month before coming back

I left one student alone during 3rd period. He's been having a hard time lately, I think with life in general, so I let him have his space today, only stopping by to say hi and ask how he was doing.

A group of girls (3 have been with me all year and became friends in my class) asked if they could come to my room during lunch to have a little birthday celebration for their friends today. She had a rough time the day before and they wanted to do something nice for her. I loved that they felt it was a place they wanted to be.

Student (male): Are we going to put glitter on this?
Me: Heh heh.
Student: ....
Me: Oh, do you think we should?
Student: Yeah.
Me: Um, uh, what color?
Student: Purple.

Later I asked the students which workshop I should go to at TETA Theatre Fest. Fight Choreography and Model Building got the most votes. When I said there was a Shakespeare class, I said I told the principal when I interviewed that I'd never do Shakespeare here. Then the same student said, "Uh...we could do something with it for Valentine's Day." Luckily I was sitting down so I didn't hit the floor.


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