Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Student Teaching: Unexpected drama and rolling with the punches

A few days ago, I finally found out the remaining details of my student teaching placement. Two months at a high school starting next week, then two months splitting my day between an elementary and middle school.

Then I got a phone call from my cooperating teacher at the high school. He has been horribly ill, had surgery, is recovering, and will not be returning to the classroom until the end of January at the earliest. I'm relieved that he is on the mend...and I love that I have an amazing mentor who is already taking care of the situation.

I also opened my email this morning to find a message from the university. It said I was missing a class in child development and could not begin student teaching (which is supposed to start next week) until I provided a transcript for the course...which I took two years ago. Ugh. Luckily transcripts are easy to get. :)

On the bright side...I totally rocked the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-12 exam. :)


  1. Bridgid! I just started reading your blog... I love it! I teach third grade in Kansas now. I love reading your student teaching stories, I've totally been there! Older kids scare me, but I bet it's awesome to have them for drama. Good luck! I'll keep reading!

  2. Thanks Megan! It's definitely an adventure. It's always comforting to remember that we're not alone out there in the trenches. :) Good luck with your kids!
